
Knee Replacement Surgery: Your Complete Guide to an Optimal Recovery

Oct 10, 2024
 Knee Replacement Surgery: Your Complete Guide to an Optimal Recovery

Knee replacement surgery increases mobility and decreases pain. However, it takes time to recover from surgery. Use this guide to understand the recovery process after knee replacement surgery and how to heal quickly and correctly.

Knee replacement surgery involves replacing damaged or worn-out parts of your knee joint with new, artificial joint components. After healing, your new knee joint works better than ever, with an increased range of motion and decreased joint pain. And, of course, you want to recover as quickly and correctly as possible.

Depending on the extent of damage or degeneration in your knee joint, you may need a full or partial knee replacement procedure. At Burlingame Orthopedics, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Han and his team perform both types of knee replacement for new and existing patients from around the Burlingame, California, area.

What should you expect during your recovery after knee replacement surgery, and how can you optimize the recovery process? Let Dr. Han inform you about key takeaways in this complete and comprehensive guide to knee surgery recovery.

Starting out on the right foot: walk as soon as possible

Your recovery begins immediately after your surgery. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that you should start walking as soon as possible after your knee replacement.

You may need to stay overnight at the hospital after surgery. However, many knee replacement patients can go home in the first 24 hours. And, you indeed need to move your new knee as soon as it’s medically safe for you to do so.

When you return to walking right away after knee replacement surgery, you reduce the impact of inflammation and swelling on your body. You won’t walk unaided right away, though. 

A walking cane provides support and stability for the first few weeks after knee replacement. While you need to use and put pressure on your new knee as soon as possible, you also don’t want to fall and risk injury.

Elevating your leg as much as possible when not active improves blood flow to the healing surgical site. If needed, periodic icing keeps swelling from becoming a problem.

You also need pain management support to help with your healing and return to activity. Your plan may include over-the-counter medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in combination with prescription pain relief medication.

Set aside a few weeks post-surgery for healing and physical therapy

The first 4-6 weeks after your knee replacement procedure involve significant healing. Plan on at least a few weeks away from work. Make sure your recovery space is ready to support your post-surgery needs, with grab bars or other adaptive devices in place and plenty of help around the house and kitchen secured.

During the first few weeks, your physical therapy (PT) program takes center stage in your recovery. Physical therapy increases your new knee’s strength and range of motion. You practice exercises with a trained physical therapist’s support and continue your PT program at home.

Stay in tune with your body as you complete your recovery

The amount of time needed before full recovery depends on the details of your procedure, your health, and your attention to physical therapy. Three months after your knee replacement, you’re likely to feel stronger, more stable, and ready to explore your new, pain-free knee. However, full recovery after total knee replacement typically takes up to a year.

While you’re still completing your recovery, stay in touch with your body and listen to its signals. Enjoy renewed activity levels, but avoid high-impact activity like running, especially before full recovery. If you notice increasing pain or inflammation, rest more and consult with Dr. Han and the team at Burlingame Orthopedics.

Optimizing your recovery means your new knee can improve your quality of life for decades. To learn more about the best way to recover from a partial or total knee replacement procedure and to determine if you could be a good candidate for surgical knee replacement, contact Burlingame Orthopedics today.

Call now to schedule your initial consultation appointment, or book with our online tool.