
5 Signs Your Shoulder Needs Orthopedic Treatment

Jun 24, 2024
5 Signs Your Shoulder Needs Orthopedic Treatment

Orthopedic treatment addresses shoulder pain and dysfunction. Getting the right treatment when needed reduces your risk of needing more intensive interventions in your shoulder. Read to learn warning signs that mean your shoulder needs care.

Orthopedic care supports the parts of your body that suffer from stress and wear and tear due to physical motion. The shoulders are a common area where people often need orthopedic intervention to address physiological problems that lead to shoulder pain, related back pain, and shoulder joint dysfunction.

At Burlingame Orthopedics, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Han and our team of orthopedic experts provide comprehensive shoulder-related treatment to new and existing patients. We’re conveniently located in Burlingame, California, making it easy for you to get the care you need when you need it.

Seeking care when you notice warning signs or symptoms makes it less likely that you’ll need intensive or complex treatment to fully restore your shoulder joint. We diagnose the root cause of your symptoms and recommend conservative treatment options like rest or physical therapy or, if needed, surgical intervention or surgical shoulder replacement.

How do you know when your shoulders require professional orthopedic care? Here are five warning signs. 

1. Shoulder pain

The first warning sign of shoulder problems is typically pain. You may suffer from shoulder pain after an injury or trauma to bones or soft tissues in that joint, including fractured bones, joint dislocation, or a labrum or rotator cuff tear. Often, patients will have pain at night which is an important sign to watch for.

Shoulder pain can also result from joint damage related to long-term wear and tear. Without the right treatment, you could find yourself living with lasting pain. Orthopedic treatment can help restore function and relieve pain.

2. Radiating arm or back pain

Shoulder problems can also cause pain in other parts of your body. If you have a mechanical problem in your shoulder, you could experience pain symptoms that seem to radiate down your related arm or down your back. Restoring your shoulder joint may be what’s needed to relieve issues like chronic upper back pain.

3. Shoulder dislocation

If you dislocate your shoulder joint due to an accident, your tendons and soft tissues suffer a lot of stress. After a shoulder dislocation occurs, professional orthopedic care ensures that you heal fully and that your upper body doesn’t suffer any lasting complications.

4. Chronic shoulder instability

Shoulder joint instability can become chronic, recurring repeatedly, without the right treatment. The ball of your shoulder joint may come all the way out of the socket or, in a subluxation, partially out of the socket.

The more this happens, the more likely it is to recur due to stretching and damage to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles that hold your shoulder joint together. Chronic shoulder instability also increases your risk of developing arthritis in your shoulder in the future.

5. Shoulder joint dysfunction

When you try to move your arm and your shoulder joint doesn’t work right, it’s definitely a sign that you should visit Burlingame Orthopedics for orthopedic evaluation and care.

Lack of ability to use your shoulder joint can signify a rotator cuff tear or other injury. You could also have a condition known as “frozen shoulder,” resulting from the buildup of abnormal tissue in your shoulder joint, often due to chronic shoulder pain or a previous surgery.

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, dysfunction, or dislocation, get in touch with the team at Burlingame Orthopedics right away. Schedule your appointment online or over the phone and get started with evaluation and effective treatment.